
Carrying Out Major Works – Section 20 Notices

As a freeholder there are a few things that need to be considered before you can go ahead and carry out major works. If you intend to spend more that £250 per flat you will be required to serve section 20 notices on your leaseholders. There are really two parts to these notices that need to be served on the leaseholders.

Pre Tender Stage

You need to inform the leaseholders that you are intending on carrying out the works. This is called the pre-tender stage. You need to inform the leaseholders of what you intend to do. You have to give the lessees 30 days to respond


Tender Stage

The next stage is the tender stage. You need to prepare at least two proposal s (estimates) as to the services, goods, works etc at least one of the proposals must be from a contractor wholly unconnected with the landlord.

The landlord has to make publicly available the estimates for the works along with any drawings. Copies of these should be made of necessary and recovered through the service charge.

There is a lot more information regarding section 20 notices that is available on the internet. You really need to get a professional that is used to dealing with these. They are usually able to deal with the notices and do the works as well.